OpenOffice is available for GNU-Darwin-ppc. Just type 'pkg_add -rf openoffice', or get it on hard media. Launch with 'ooffice'.
Additional GNU-Darwin OpenOffice installation notes.
The OpenOffice packages are rather complex, and it appears that there is
a bug under certain configurations, which results in an abrupt abort.
Here is the workaround.
su root
cd /usr/local
tar -zxf openoffice-1.0.1gd-beta.tgz
rm ./+*
Of course, you will have to give the correct path for the openoffice
package. This also appears to work with the more recent version, which
is available online.
pre-Darwin-6/OS 10.2:
Darwin-6/OS 10.2 and above:
OpenOffice is not yet available for GNU-Darwin-x86.