
PLT MzScheme: Language Manual

Input and Output

11.1  Ports

The global variable eof is bound to the end-of-file value. The standard Scheme predicate eof-object? returns #t only when applied to this value. The predicate port? returns #t only for values for which either input-port? or output-port? returns #t.

11.1.1  Current Ports

The standard Scheme procedures current-input-port and current-output-port are implemented as parameters in MzScheme. See section for more information.

11.1.2  Opening File Ports

The open-input-file and open-output-file procedures accept an optional flag argument after the filename that specifies a mode for the file:

  • 'binary -- characters are returned from the port exactly as they are read from the file. Binary mode is the default mode.

  • 'text -- return and linefeed characters written to and read from the file are filtered by the port in a platform specific manner:

    • Unix and Mac OS X: no filtering occurs.

    • Windows reading: a return-linefeed combination from a file is returned by the port as a single linefeed; no filtering occurs for return characters that are not followed by a linefeed, or for a linefeed that is not preceded by a return.

    • Windows writing: a linefeed written to the port is translated into a return-linefeed combination in the file; no filtering occurs for returns.

    • Mac OS Classic reading: a return character read from the file is returned as a linefeed by the port; no filtering occurs for linefeeds.

    • Mac OS Classic writing: a return character written to the port is translated into a linefeed in the file; no filtering occurs for linefeeds.

    In Windows, 'text mode works only with regular files; attempting to use 'text with other kinds of files triggers an exn:i/o:filesystem exception.

The open-output-file procedure can also take a flag argument that specifies how to proceed when a file with the specified name already exists:

  • 'error -- raise exn:i/o:filesystem (this is the default)

  • 'replace -- remove the old file and write a new one

  • 'truncate -- overwrite the old data

  • 'truncate/replace -- try 'truncate; if it fails, try 'replace

  • 'append -- append to the end of the file

  • 'update -- open an existing file without truncating it; if the file does not exist, the exn:i/o:filesystem exception is raised

The open-input-output-file procedure takes the same arguments as open-output-file, but it produces two values: an input port and an output port. The two ports are connected in that they share the underlying file device. See section 11.1.5 for more information.

Extra flag arguments are passed to open-output-file in any order. Appropriate flag arguments can also be passed as the last argument(s) to call-with-input-file, with-input-from-file, call-with-output-file, and with-output-to-file. When conflicting flag arguments (e.g., both 'error and 'replace) are provided to open-output-file, with-output-to-file, or call-with-output-file, the exn:application:mismatch exception is raised.

Both with-input-from-file and with-output-to-file close the port they create if control jumps out of the supplied thunk (either through a continuation or an exception), and the port remains closed if control jumps back into the thunk. The current input or output port is installed and restored with parameterize (see section 7.4.2).

See section 11.1.5 for more information on file ports. When an input or output file-stream port is created, it is placed into the management of the current custodian (see section 9.2).

11.1.3  Pipes

(make-pipe [limit-k]) returns two port values (see section 2.2): the first port is an input port and the second is an output port. Data written to the output port is read from the input port. The ports do not need to be explicitly closed.

The optional limit-k argument can be #f or a positive exact integer. If limit-k is omitted or #f, the new pipe holds an unlimited number of unread characters (i.e., limited only by the available memory). If limit-k is a positive number, then the pipe will hold at most limit-k unread characters; writing to the pipe's output port thereafter will block until a read from the input port makes more space available.

11.1.4  String Ports

Scheme input and output can be read from or collected into a string:

  • (open-input-string string) creates an input port that reads characters from string.

  • (open-output-string) creates an output port that accumulates the output into a string.

  • (get-output-string string-output-port) returns the string accumulated in string-output-port.

String input and output ports do not need to be explicitly closed. The file-position procedure, described in section 11.1.5, works for string ports in position-setting mode.


(define i (open-input-string "hello world")) 
(define o (open-output-string)) 
(write (read i) o) 
(get-output-string o) ; => "hello" 

11.1.5  File-Stream Ports

A port created by open-input-file, open-output-file, subprocess, and related functions is a file-stream port. The initial input, output, and error ports in stand-alone MzScheme are also file-stream ports.

(file-stream-port? port) returns #t if the given port is a file-stream port, #f otherwise.

Both input and output file-stream ports use a buffer. For an input port, a buffer is filled with immediately-available characters to speed up future reads. Thus, if a file is modified between a pair of reads to the file, the second read can produce stale data. Calling file-position to set an input port's file position flushes its buffer. For an output port, a buffer is filled to with a sequence of written to be committed as a group, typically when a newline is written. An output port's buffer use can be controlled via file-stream-buffer-mode (described below). The two ports produced by open-input-output-file have independent buffers.

Three procedures work primarily on file-stream ports:

  • (flush-output [output-port]) forces all buffered data in the given output port to be physically written. If output-port is omitted, then the current output port is flushed. Only file-stream ports and custom ports (see section 11.1.6) use buffers; when called on a port without a buffer, flush-output has no effect.

    By default, a file-stream port flushes its buffer automatically after each newline, but this behavior can be modified with file-stream-buffer-mode. In addition, the initial current output and error ports are automatically flushed when read16, read-line, read-string, or read-string-avail! are performed on the initial standard input port.

  • (file-stream-buffer-mode file-stream-output-port [mode-symbol]) gets or sets the buffer mode for file-stream-output-port. If mode-symbol is provided, it must be one of 'none, 'line, or 'block, and the port's buffering is set accordingly. If mode-symbol is not provided, the current mode is returned. If the mode cannot be set or returned, the exn:i/o:port exception is raised.

  • (file-position port) returns the current read/write position of port, and (file-position port k) sets the read/write position to k. The latter works only for file-stream and string ports, and raises the exn:application:mismatch exception for other port kinds. Calling file-position without a position on a non-file/non-string input port returns the number of characters that have been read from that port if the position is known (see section 11.2.3), otherwise the exn:i/o:port exception is raised.

    When (file-position port k) sets the position k beyond the current size of an output file or string, the file/string is enlarged to size k and the new region is filled with #\nul. If k is beyond the end of an input file or string, then reading thereafter returns eof without changing the port's position.

    Not all file-stream ports support setting the position. If file-position is called with a position argument on such a file-stream port, the exn:i/o:filesystem exception is raised.

    When changing the file position for an output port, the port is first flushed if its buffer is not empty. Similarly, setting the position for an input port clears the port's buffer (even if the new position is the same as the old position). However, although input and output ports produced by open-input-output-file share the file position, setting the position via one port does not flush the other port's buffer.

11.1.6  Custom Ports

The make-custom-input-port and make-custom-output-port procedures create ports with arbitrary control procedures.  Custom Input

(make-custom-input-port waitable-or-false read-string-proc peek-string-proc-or-false close-proc) creates an input port. The port is immediately open for reading. If close-proc procedure has no side effects, then the port need not be explicitly closed.

  • waitable-or-false -- #f or an object that can be used with object-wait-multiple (e.g., a semaphore or another port).

    If a waitable object is supplied, it is used by the system with to block until input on an end-of-file is ready for reading or peeking. If waitable-or-false is a semaphore, it will be re-posted after a block completes. The waitable object cannot be extracted from the port.

    The port's reading and peeking procedures need not return data when the waitable unblocks, but spurious unblocks will reduce the port's performance. For example, a waitable might unblock when no data is available as a way of detecting demand on the port.

    The waitable will not always be used before a call to a reading or peeking procedure (e.g., for a non-blocking read).

    If waitable-or-false is #f, the system assumes that input or an end-of-file is always available. In other words, supplying #f is the same as supplying (make-semaphore 1).

  • read-string-proc -- a procedure that takes one argument, which is a non-empty string to fill with read characters, and returns either the number of characters read, a procedure for special inputs (see below), or eof. The procedure should never block; if no input is immediately available, it should return 0. If a value other than a non-negative exact integer, eof, or procedure-of-arity-four value is returned, the exn:application:type exception is raised. If the returned integer is larger than the supplied string, the exn:application:mismatch exception is raised.

    The reading procedure can report an error by raising an exception, but only if no characters are read. Similarly, no characters should be read if eof or a procedure is returned. In other words, no characters should be lost due to spurious exceptions or non-character data.

    A port's reading procedure may be called in multiple threads simultaneously (if the port is accessible in multiple threads). The port is responsible for its own internal synchronization. Note that improper implementation of such synchronization mechanisms might cause the reading procedure to block.

  • peek-string-proc-or-false -- usually #f, which means that string peeking should be implemented by the system in terms of the reading procedure.

    Otherwise, peek-string-proc-or-false must be a procedure that takes two arguments: a string to fill with peeked characters and a non-negative exact integer indicating a number of characters to skip in the input stream (but not in the string to fill) before writing peeked characters into the string.

    The results and conventions for the procedure are the same as for read-string-proc, except that the peeking procedure can return an alternate waitable, usually in response to a peek for a non-zero skip. When a waitable is returned, the system blocks on the waitable before re-attempting a (blocking) peek operation with the same skip value. If the waitable is a semaphore, it will be re-posted after a successful wait. The waitable will not be made externally accessible.

    The system does not check that multiple peeks return consistent results, or that peeking and reading produce consistent results. If peeking produces a procedure, then a future call to the reading procedure is expected to produce the same procedure, and the one returned by peeking is never invoked.

  • close-proc -- a procedure of zero arguments that is called to close the port. The port is not considered closed until the closing procedure returns. The port's waitable, reading procedure, peeking procedure, and closing procedure will never be used again via the port is closed. However, the closing procedure can be called simultaneously in multiple threads (if the port is accessible in multiple threads).

When read-string-proc returns a procedure, the procedure is called by read,17 read-syntax, or read-char-or-special to ``read'' non-character input from the port. The procedure is called exactly once before additional characters are read from the port, and the procedure must return two values: an arbitrary value and an exact, non-negative integer. The first return value is used as the read result, and the second is used as the width in characters of the result (for port position tracking). If read-string-proc or peek-string-proc returns a procedure when called by any reading procedure other than read, read-syntax, read-char-or-special, or peek-char-or-special, then the exn:application:mismatch exception is raised.

The four arguments to the procedure represent the source location of the non-character value, as much as it is known (see section 11.2.3). The first argument is an arbitrary value representing the source for read values -- the one passed to read-syntax -- or #f if read or read-char-or-special was called. The second argument is a line number (exact, positive integer) if known, or #f otherwise. The third is a column number (exact, positive integer) or #f, and the fourth is a position number (exact, positive integer) or #f.

When the procedure returns a syntax object, then the syntax object is used directly in the result of read-syntax, and converted with syntax-object->datum for the result of read. If the result is not a syntax object, then the result is used directly in the result for read, and converted with datum->syntax-object for the result of read-syntax. In either case, structure sharing that occurs only as a the result of multiple non-character results is not preserved as syntax sharing.

Instead of returning two values, the procedure can raise the exn:special-comment exception to indicate that the special result is a comment, and therefore produces no read result. When called by read and read-syntax, the exception is caught. The exception's width field indicates the width of the special object in port positions, like the second return value for a non-comment result.  Custom Output

(make-custom-output-port waitable-or-false write-string-proc flush-proc close-proc) creates an output port. The port is immediately open for writing. If close-proc procedure has no side effects, then the port need not be explicitly closed. The port can buffer data within its write-string-proc.

  • waitable-or-false -- #f or an object that can be used with object-wait-multiple (e.g., a semaphore or another port).

    If a waitable object is supplied, it is used by the system with to block until the port is ready for writing at least one character without blocking, or ready to make progress in flushing an internal buffer without blocking. If waitable-or-false is a semaphore, it will be re-posted after a block completes. The waitable object cannot be extracted from the port.

    Unlike the waitable object of input ports, the waitable object for an output port must be precise: it must not unblock unless the port is ready for writing. Otherwise, the guarantees of object-wait-multiple will be broken for the output port.

    The waitable will not always be used before a call to the writing procedure (e.g., for a non-blocking write).

    If waitable-or-false is #f, the system assumes that writes to the port will always succeed. In other words, supplying #f is the same as supplying (make-semaphore 1).

  • write-string-proc -- a procedure of four arguments:

    • an immutable string containing characters to write;

    • a non-negative exact integer for a starting offset (inclusive) into the string,

    • a non-negative exact integer for an ending offset (exclusive) into the string,

    • a boolean; #t indicates that the port is allowed to keep the written characters in a buffer, and that it is allowed to block indefinitely; #f indicates that the write should not block, and that the port should attempt to flush its buffer and completely write new characters instead of buffering them.

    The procedure returns a non-negative exact integer representing the number of characters written and buffered, or #f if no characters could be written because the internal buffer could not be completely flushed. If the returned integer is larger than the supplied string, the exn:application:mismatch exception is raised. If the start and end indices are the same (i.e., no characters are to be written), then the final boolean argument will be #t, and the procedure should return 0 only if the buffer is completely flushed.

    From a user's perspective, the difference between buffered and completely written data is (1) buffered data can be lost in the future due to a failed write, and (2) flush-output forces all buffered data to be completely written. Under no circumstances is buffering required.

    If the writing procedure raises an exception, due either to write or commit operations, it must not have committed any characters (though it may have committed previously buffered characters).

    A port's writing procedure may be called in multiple threads simultaneously (if the port is accessible in multiple threads). The port is responsible for its own internal synchronization. Note that improper implementation of such synchronization mechanisms might cause the writing procedure to block for a non-blocking write.

  • flush-proc -- a procedure of zero arguments that is called to flush the port's buffer, if any, in response to flush-output. The flushing operation can block. The flush and writing procedures can be called simultaneously in multiple threads (if the port is accessible in multiple threads). If the flushing procedure is called while another thread is flushing the buffer, the call should not return until the flush has completed.

  • close-proc -- a procedure of zero arguments that is called to close the port. The port is not considered closed until the closing procedure returns. The port's waitable, writing procedure, flushing procedure, and closing procedure will never be used again via the port is closed. However, the closing procedure can be called simultaneously in multiple threads (if the port is accessible in multiple threads), and it may be called during a call to the writing for flushing procedures by another thread; in the latter case, the write or flush must be terminated immediately with an error.

11.2  Reading and Writing

11.2.1  Reading

In addition to the standard reading procedures, MzScheme provides block reading procedures such as read-line, read-string, and peek-string:

  • (read-line [input-port mode-symbol]) returns a string containing the next line of characters from input-port. If input-port is omitted, the current input port is used.

    Characters are read from input-port until a line separator or an end-of-file is read. The line separator is not included in the result string (but it is removed from the port's stream). If no characters are read before an end-of-file is encountered, eof is returned.

    The mode-symbol argument determines the line separator(s). It must be one of the following symbols:

    • 'linefeed breaks lines on linefeed characters; this is the default.

    • 'return breaks lines on return characters.

    • 'return-linefeed breaks lines on return-linefeed combinations. If a return character is not followed by a linefeed character, it is included in the result string; similarly, a linefeed that is not preceded by a return is included in the result string.

    • 'any breaks lines on any of a return character, linefeed character, or return-linefeed combination. If a return character is followed by a linefeed character, the two are treated as a combination.

    • 'any-one breaks lines on either a return or linefeed character, without recognizing return-linefeed combinations.

    Return and linefeed characters are detected after the conversions that are automatically performed when reading a file in text mode. For example, reading a file in text mode under Windows automatically changes return-linefeed combinations to a linefeed. Thus, when a file is opened in text mode, 'linefeed is usually the appropriate read-line mode.

  • (read-string k [input-port]) returns a string containing the next k characters from input-port. The default value of input-port is the current input port.

    If k is 0, then the empty string is returned. Otherwise, if fewer than k characters are available before an end-of-file is encountered, then the returned string will contain only those characters before the end-of-file (i.e., the returned string's length will be less than k). 18 If no characters are available before an end-of-file, then eof is returned.

    If an error occurs during reading, some characters may be lost (i.e., if read-string successfully reads some characters before encountering an error, the characters are dropped.)

  • (read-string-avail! string [input-port start-k end-k]) reads characters from input-port and puts them into string starting from index start-k (inclusive) up to end-k (exclusive). The default value of input-port is the current input port. The default value of start-k is 0. The default value of end-k is the length of the string. Like substring, the exn:application:mismatch exception is raised if start-k or end-k is out-of-range for string.

    If the difference between start-k and end-k is 0, then 0 is returned and the string is not modified. If no characters are available before an end-of-file, then eof is returned. Otherwise, the return value is the number of characters read. If m characters are read and m < end-k - start-k, then string is not modified at indices start-k + m though end-k.

    Unlike read-string, read-string-avail! returns without blocking after reading immediately-available characters. It blocks only if no characters are yet available. Also unlike read-string, read-string-avail! never drops characters; if read-string-avail! successfully reads some characters and then encounters an error, it suppresses the error (treating it roughly like an end-of-file) and returns the read characters. (The error will be triggered by future reads.) If an error is encountered before any characters have been read, an exception is raised.

  • (read-string-avail!* string [input-port start-k end-k]) is like read-string-avail!, except that it returns 0 immediately if no characters are available for reading and the end-of-file is not reached.

  • (read-string-avail!/enable-break string [input-port start-k end-k]) is like read-string-avail!, except that breaks are enabled during the read. The procedure provides a guarantee about the interaction of reading and breaks: if breaking is disabled when read-string-avail!/enable-break is called, and if the exn:break exception is raised as a result of the call, then no characters will have been read from input-port. See also section 6.6.

  • (peek-string k skip-k [input-port]) is similar to read-string, except that the returned characters are preserved in the port for future reads. The skip-k argument indicates a number of characters in the input stream to skip before collecting characters to return; thus, in total, the next k + skip-k characters are inspected.

    For most kinds of ports, inspecting k + skip-k characters requires k + skip-k bytes of memory overhead associated with the port, at least until the characters are read. No such overhead is required when peeking into a string port (see section 11.1.4), a pipe port (see section 11.1.3), or a custom port with a specific peek procedure (depending on how the peek procedure is implemented; see section 11.1.6).

  • (peek-string-avail! string skip-k [input-port start-k end-k]) is like read-string-avail!, but for peeking, and with a skip-k argument like peek-string. When skipping characters, peek-string-avail! blocks until finding the end-of-file or at least one character past the skipped characters.

  • (peek-string-avail!* string skip-k [input-port start-k end-k]) is like read-string-avail!*, but for peeking, and with a skip-k argument like peek-string. Since this procedure never blocks, it may return before even skip-k characters are available from the port.

  • (peek-string-avail!/enable-break string skip-k [input-port start-k end-k]) is the peeking version of read-string-avail!/enable-break, with a skip-k argument like peek-string.

  • (read-char-or-special input-port) is the same as read-char, except that if the input port returns a non-character value (through a value-generating procedure in a custom port; see section 11.1.6 for details), the non-character value is returned. If the input port generates exn:special-comment, the exception is propagated after adjusting the port's position information based on the exception's width field.

  • (peek-char-or-special input-port) is the same as peek-char, except that if the input port returns a non-character value (through a value-generating procedure in a custom port; see section 11.1.6 for details), the symbol 'special is returned.

11.2.2  Writing

In addition to the standard printing procedures, MzScheme provides print, which outputs values to a port by calling the port's print handler (see section 11.2.5), plus the block-writing procedures such as write-string-avail:

  • (print v [output-port]) outputs v to output-port. The default value of output-port is the current output port.

    The print procedure is used to print Scheme values in a context where a programmer expects to see a Scheme value. The rationale for providing print is that display and write both have standard output conventions, and this standardization restricts the ways that an environment can change the behavior of these procedures. No output conventions should be assumed for print so that environments are free to modify the actual output generated by print in any way. Unlike the port display and write handlers, a global port print handler can be installed through the global-port-print-handler parameter (see section

  • (write-string-avail string [output-port start-k end-k]) write characters to output-port from string starting from index start-k (inclusive) up to end-k (exclusive). The default value of output-port is the current output port. The default value of start-k is 0. The default value of end-k is the length of the string. Like substring, the exn:application:mismatch exception is raised if start-k or end-k is out-of-range for string.

    The result is the number of characters written and flushed to output-port. The write-string-avail procedure returns without blocking after writing as many characters as it can immediately flush. It blocks only if no characters can be flushed immediately.

    The write-string-avail procedure never drops characters; if write-string-avail successfully writes some characters and then encounters an error, it suppresses the error and returns the number of written characters. (The error will be triggered by future writes.) If an error is encountered before any characters have been written, an exception is raised.

  • (write-string-avail* string [output-port start-k end-k]) is like write-string-avail, except that it never blocks, it returns #f if the port contains buffered data that cannot be written immediately, and it returns 0 if the port's internal buffer (if any) is flushed but no additional characters can be written immediately.

  • (write-string-avail/enable-break string [input-port start-k end-k]) is like write-string-avail, except that breaks are enabled during the write. The procedure provides a guarantee about the interaction of writing and breaks: if breaking is disabled when write-string-avail/enable-break is called, and if the exn:break exception is raised as a result of the call, then no characters will have been written to output-port. See also section 6.6.

The fprintf, printf, and format procedures create formatted output:

  • (fprintf output-port format-string v ···) prints formatted output to output-port, where format-string is a string that is printed; format-string can contain special formatting tags:

    • ~n or ~% prints a newline

    • ~a or ~A displays the next argument among the vs

    • ~s or ~S writes the next argument among the vs

    • ~v or ~V prints the next argument among the vs

    • ~e or ~E outputs the next argument among the vs using the current error value conversion handler (see section and current error printing width

    • ~c or ~C write-chars the next argument in vs; if the next argument is not a character, the exn:application:mismatch exception is raised

    • ~b or ~B prints the next argument among the vs in binary; if the next argument is not an exact number, the exn:application:mismatch exception is raised

    • ~o or ~O prints the next argument among the vs in octal; if the next argument is not an exact number, the exn:application:mismatch exception is raised

    • ~x or ~X prints the next argument among the vs in hexadecimal; if the next argument is not an exact number, the exn:application:mismatch exception is raised

    • ~~ prints a tilde (~)

    • ~w, where w is a whitespace character, skips characters in format-string until a non-whitespace character is encountered or until a second end-of-line is encountered (whichever happens first). An end-of-line is either #\return, #\newline, or #\return followed immediately by #\newline (on all platforms).

    The return value is void.

  • (printf format-string v ···) same as fprintf with the current output port.

  • (format format-string v ···) same as fprintf with a string output port where the final string is returned as the result.

When an illegal format string is supplied to one of these procedures, the exn:application:type exception is raised. When the format string requires more additional arguments than are supplied, the exn:application:fprintf:mismatch exception is raised. When more additional arguments are supplied than are used by the format string, the exn:application:mismatch exception is raised.

For example,

(fprintf port "~a as a string is ~s.~n" '(3 4) "(3 4)"

prints this message to port:19

(3 4) as a string is "(3 4)"

followed by a newline.

11.2.3  Counting Positions, Lines, and Columns

MzScheme keeps track of the position in a port as the number of characters that have been read from any input port (independent of the read/write position, which is accessed or changed with file-position). In addition, MzScheme can track line locations and column locations when specifically enabled for a port via port-count-lines! or the port-count-lines-enabled parameter (see section Position, line, and column locations for a port are used by read-syntax (see section 12.2 for more information). Position, line, and column locations are numbered from 1.

  • (port-count-lines! input-port) turns on line and column counting for a port. Counting can be turned on at any time, though generally it is turned on before any data is read from a port. When an input port is created, if the value of the port-count-lines-enabled parameter is true (see section, then line counting is automatically enabled for the port. Line counting cannot be disabled for a port after it is enabled.

When counting lines, MzScheme treats linefeed, return, and return-linefeed combinations as a line terminator and as a single position (on all platforms). Each tab advances the column count to the next multiple of 8.

A position is known for any port as long as its value can be expressed as a fixnum (which is more than enough tracking for realistic applications in, say, syntax-error reporting). If the position for a port exceeds the value of the largest fixnum, then the position for the port becomes unknown, and line and column tacking is disabled. Return-linefeed combinations are treated as a single character position only when line and column counting is enabled.

  • (port-next-location input-port) returns three values: a positive exact integer or #f for the line number of the next read character, a positive exact integer or #f for the character's column, and a positive exact integer or #f for the character's position.

11.2.4  Customizing Read

Each input port has its own port read handler. This handler is invoked to read S-expressions or syntax objects from the port when the built-in read or read-syntax procedure is applied to the port. A port read handler must accept both a single argument or three arguments:

  • A single argument is supplied when the port is used with read; the argument is the port being read. The return value is the value that was read from the port.

  • Three arguments are supplied when the port is used with read-syntax; the first argument is the port being read, the second argument is a value indicating the source, and the third argument is a list of three non-negative, exact integers (see section 12.2 for more information). The return value is a syntax object that was read from the port.

A port's read handler is configured with port-read-handler:

  • (port-read-handler input-port) returns the current port read handler for input-port.

  • (port-read-handler input-port proc) sets the handler for input-port to proc.

The default port read handler reads standard Scheme expressions with MzScheme's built-in parser (see section 14.3).

11.2.5  Customizing Display, Write, and Print

Each output port has its own port display handler, port write handler, and port print handler. These handlers are invoked to output S-expressions to the port when the standard display, write or print procedure is applied to the port. A port display/write/print handler takes a two arguments: the value to be printed and the destination port. The handler's return value is ignored.

  • (port-display-handler output-port) returns the current port display handler for output-port.

  • (port-display-handler output-port proc) sets the display handler for output-port to proc.

  • (port-write-handler output-port) returns the current port write handler for output-port.

  • (port-write-handler output-port proc) sets the write handler for output-port to proc.

  • (port-print-handler output-port) returns the current port print handler for output-port.

  • (port-print-handler output-port proc) sets the print handler for output-port to proc.

The default port display and write handlers print Scheme expressions with MzScheme's built-in printer (see section 14.4). The default print handler calls the global port print handler (the value of the global-port-print-handler parameter; see section; the default global port print handler is the same as the default write handler.

11.3  Filesystem Utilities

Additional filesystem utilities are in MzLib; see Chapter 15 in PLT MzLib: Libraries Manual.

11.3.1  Pathnames

File and directory paths are specified as strings. Since the syntax for pathnames can vary across platforms (e.g., under Unix, directories are separated by ``/'' while Mac OS Classic uses ``:''), MzScheme provides tools for portably constructing and deconstructing pathnames.

Most MzScheme primitives that take pathnames perform an expansion on the pathname before using it. (Procedures that build pathnames or merely check the form of a pathname do not perform this expansion.) Under Unix and Mac OS X, a user directory specification using ``~'' is expanded.20 Under Mac OS Classic, file and folder aliases are resolved to real pathnames.21 Under Windows, multiple slashes are converted to single slashes (except at the beginning of a shared folder name), and a slash is inserted after the colon in a drive specification (if it is missing). In a Windows pathname, slash and backslash are always equivalent (and can be mixed together in the same pathname).

A pathname string cannot be empty or contain a null character (#\nul). When an empty string or a string containing a null character is provided as a pathname to any procedure except absolute-path?, relative-path?, complete-path?, or normal-case-path, the exn:i/o:filesystem exception is raised.

The pathname utilities are:

  • (build-path base-path sub-path ···) creates an pathname given a base pathname and any number of sub-pathname extensions. If base-path is an absolute pathname, the result is an absolute pathname; if base is a relative pathname, the result is a relative pathname. Each sub-path must be either a relative pathname, a directory name, the symbol 'up (indicating the relative parent directory), or the symbol 'same (indicating the relative current directory). Under Windows, if base-path is a drive specification (with or without a trailing slash) the first sub-path can be an absolute (driveless) path. The last sub-path can be a filename.

    Each sub-path and base-path can optionally end in a directory separator. If the last sub-path ends in a separator, it is included in the resulting pathname.

    Under Mac OS Classic, if a sub-path argument does not begin with a colon, one is added automatically. This means that sub-path arguments are never interpreted as absolute paths under Mac OS Classic. For other platforms, if an absolute path is provided for any sub-path, then the exn:i/o:filesystem exception is raised. On all platforms, if base-path or sub-path is an illegal path string (e.g., it contains a null character), the exn:i/o:filesystem exception is raised.

    The build-path procedure builds a pathname without checking the validity of the path or accessing the filesystem.

    The following examples assume that the current directory is /home/joeuser for Unix examples and My Disk:Joe's Files for Mac OS Classic examples.

    (define p1 (build-path (current-directory) "src" "scheme"))  
      ; Unix: p1 => "/home/joeuser/src/scheme" 
      ; Mac OS Classic: p1 => "My Disk:Joe's Files:src:scheme" 
    (define p2 (build-path 'up 'up "docs" "MzScheme"))  
      ; Unix: p2 => "../../docs/MzScheme" 
      ; Mac OS Classic: p2 => ":::docs:MzScheme" 
    (build-path p2 p1)  
      ; Unix: raises exn:i/o:filesystem:path because p1 is absolute  
      ; Mac OS Classic: => ":::docs:MzScheme:My Disk:Joe's Files:src:scheme" 
    (build-path p1 p2)  
      ; Unix: => "/home/joeuser/src/scheme/../../docs/MzScheme" 
      ; Mac OS Classic: => "My Disk:Joe's Files:src:scheme:::docs:MzScheme" 

  • (absolute-path? path) returns #t if path is an absolute pathname, #f otherwise. If path is not a legal pathname string (e.g., it contains a null character), #f is returned. This procedure does not access the filesystem.

  • (relative-path? path) returns #t if path is a relative pathname, #f otherwise. If path is not a legal pathname string (e.g., it contains a null character), #f is returned. This procedure does not access the filesystem.

  • (complete-path? path) returns #t if path is a completely determined pathname (not relative to a directory or drive), #f otherwise. Note that under Windows, an absolute path can omit the drive specification, in which case the path is neither relative nor complete. If path is not a legal pathname string (e.g., it contains a null character), #f is returned. This procedure does not access the filesystem.

  • (path->complete-path path [base-path]) returns path as a complete path. If path is already a complete path, it is returned as the result. Otherwise, path is resolved with respect to the complete path base-path. If base-path is omitted, path is resolved with respect to the current directory. If base-path is provided and it is not a complete path, the exn:i/o:filesystem exception is raised. This procedure does not access the filesystem.

  • (resolve-path path) expands path and returns a pathname that references the same file or directory as path. Under Unix and Mac OS X, if path is a soft link to another pathname, then the referenced pathname is returned (this may be a relative pathname with respect to the directory owningpath) otherwise path is returned (after expansion).

  • (expand-path path) returns the expanded version of path (as described at the beginning of this section). The filesystem might be accessed, but the source or expanded pathname might be a non-existent path.

  • (simplify-path path) eliminates up-directory (``..'' in Unix, Mac OS X, and Windows) and same-directory (``.'') indicators in path. If no indicators are in path, then path is returned. Otherwise, a complete path is returned; if path is relative, it is resolved with respect to the current directory. Up-directory indicators are dropped when they refer to the parent of a root directory. The filesystem might be accessed, but the source or expanded pathname might be a non-existent path. If path cannot be simplified due to a cycle of links, the exn:i/o:filesystem exception is raised (but a successfully simplified path may still involve a cycle of links if the cycle did not inhibit the simplification).

  • (normal-case-path string) returns string with normalized case letters. Under Unix and Mac OS X, this procedure always returns the input path. Under Windows and Mac OS Classic, the resulting string uses only lowercase letters. Under Windows, all forward slashes (``/'') are converted to backward slashes (``\''), and trailing spaces are removed. This procedure does not access the filesystem or guarantee that the output string is a legal pathname (i.e., string and the result may contain a null character).

  • (split-path path) deconstructs path into a smaller pathname and an immediate directory or file name. Three values are returned (see section 2.2):

    • base is either

      • a string pathname,

      • 'relative if path is an immediate relative directory or filename, or

      • #f if path is a root directory.

    • name is either

      • a string directory name,

      • a string file name,

      • 'up if the last part of path specifies the parent directory of the preceding path (e.g., ``..'' under Unix), or

      • 'same if the last part of path specifies the same directory as the preceding path (e.g., ``.'' under Unix).

    • must-be-dir? is #t if path explicitly specifies a directory (e.g., with a trailing separator), #f otherwise. Note that must-be-dir? does not specify whether name is actually a directory or not, but whether path syntactically specified a directory.

    If base is #f, then name cannot be 'up or 'same. All strings returned for base and name are newly allocated. This procedure does not access the filesystem.

  • (find-executable-path program-sub-path related-sub-path) finds a pathname for the executable program-sub-path, returning #f if the pathname cannot be found.

    If related-sub-path is not #f, then it must be a relative path string, and the pathname found for program-sub-path must be such that the file or directory related-sub-path exists in the same directory as the executable. The result is then the full path for the found related-sub-path, instead of the path for the executable.

    This procedure is used by MzScheme (as a stand-alone executable) to find the standard library collection directory (see Chapter 16). In this case, program is the name used to start MzScheme and related is "collects". The related-sub-path argument is used because, under Unix and Mac OS X, program-sub-path may involve to a sequence of soft links; in this case, related-sub-path determines which link in the chain is relevant.

    If program-sub-path has a directory path, exists as a file or link to a file, and related-sub-path is not #f, find-executable-path determines whether related-sub-path exists relative to the directory of program-sub-path. If so, the complete path for program-sub-path is returned. Otherwise, if program-sub-path is a link to another file path, the destination directory of the link is checked for related-sub-path. Further links are inspected until related-sub-path is found or the end of the chain of links is reached.

    If program-sub-path is a pathless name, find-executable-path gets the value of the PATH environment variable; if this environment variable is defined, find-executable-path tries each path in PATH as a prefix for program-sub-path using the search algorithm described above for path-containing program-sub-paths. If the PATH environment variable is not defined, program-sub-path is prefixed with the current directory and used in the search algorithm above. (Under Windows, the current directory is always implicitly the first item in PATH, so find-executable-path checks the current directory first under Windows.)

  • (find-system-path kind-symbol) returns a machine-specific path for a standard type of path specified by kind-symbol, which must be one of the following:

    • 'home-dir -- the current user's home directory. (See below for information on the user's home directory in Windows and Mac OS Classic.)

    • 'pref-dir -- the standard directory for storing the current user's preferences. Under Unix and Windows, this is the user's home directory. Under Mac OS Classic, it is the Preferences subdirectory of the System Folder. Under Mac OS X, it is the subdirectory Library/Preferences of the user's home directory. (See below for information on the user's home directory in Windows.)

    • 'pref-file -- a file that contains a symbol-keyed association list of preference values; the file's directory path always matches the result returned for 'pref-dir. Under Unix and Mac OS X, the file is, and under Windows and Mac OS Classic, the file is See also get-preference in Chapter 15 in PLT MzLib: Libraries Manual.

    • 'temp-dir -- the standard directory for storing temporary files. Under Unix and Mac OS X, this is the directory specified by the TMPDIR environment variable, if it is defined.

    • 'init-dir -- the directory containing the initialization file used by stand-alone MzScheme application. It is the same as the current user's home directory. (See below for information on the user's home directory in Windows and Mac OS Classic.)

    • 'init-file -- the file loaded at start-up by the stand-alone MzScheme application. The directory part of the path is the same path as returned for 'init-dir. The file name is platform-specific:

      • Unix and Mac OS X: .mzschemerc

      • Windows and Mac OS Classic:

    • 'sys-dir -- the directory containing the operating system for Windows or Mac OS Classic. Under Unix and Mac OS X, the result is "/".

    • 'exec-file -- the pathname of the MzScheme executable as provided by the operating system for the current invocation.22 Under Mac OS Classic, in the stand-alone MzScheme (or MrEd) application, it is always a complete path. In the stand-alone MzScheme application, this path is also bound initially to program.

    Under Windows, the user's home directory is the one specified by the HOMEDRIVE and HOMEPATH environment variables. If those environment variables are not defined, or if the indicated directory does not exist, the directory containing the MzScheme executable is used as the home directory. Under Mac OS Classic, the user's ``home directory'' is the preferences directory.

  • (path-list-string->path-list string default-path-list) parses a string containing a list of paths, and returns a list of path strings. Under Unix and Mac OS X, paths in a path list are separated by a colon (``:''); under Windows and Mac OS Classic, paths are separated by a semi-colon (``;''). Whenever the path list contains an empty path, the list default-path-list is spliced into the returned list of paths. Parts of string that do not form a valid path are not included in the returned list. (The content of the list default-path-list is not inspected.)

11.3.2  Files

The file management utilities are:

  • (file-exists? path) returns #t if a file (not a directory) path exists, #f otherwise. Unlike some other procedures that take a path argument, this procedure never raises the exn:i/o:filesystem exception.23

  • (link-exists? path) returns #t if a link path exists (Unix, Mac OS X, and Mac OS Classic), #f otherwise. Note that the predicates file-exists? or directory-exists? work on the final destination of a link or series of links, while link-exists? only follows links to resolve the base part of path (i.e., everything except the last name in the path). This procedure never raises the exn:i/o:filesystem exception.

  • (delete-file path) deletes the file with pathname path if it exists, returning void if a file was deleted successfully, otherwise the exn:i/o:filesystem exception is raised. If path is a link, the link is deleted rather than the destination of the link.

  • (rename-file-or-directory old-path new-path [exists-ok?]) renames the file or directory with pathname old-path -- if it exists -- to the pathname new-path. If the file or directory is renamed successfully, void is returned, otherwise the exn:i/o:filesystem exception is raised.

    This procedure can be used to move a file/directory to a different directory (on the same disk) as well as rename a file/directory within a directory. Unless exists-ok? is provided as a true value, new-path cannot refer to an existing file or directory. Even if exists-ok? is true, new-path cannot refer to an existing file when old-path is a directory, and vice versa. (If new-path exists and is replaced, the replacement is atomic in the filesystem, except under Windows 95, 98, or Me. However, the check for existence is not included in the atomic action, which means that race conditions are possible when exists-ok? is false or not supplied.)

    If old-path is a link, the link is renamed rather than the destination of the link, and it counts as a file for replacing any existing new-path.

  • (file-or-directory-modify-seconds path) returns the file or directory's last modification date as platform-specific seconds (see also section 15.1).24 If no file or directory path exists, the exn:i/o:filesystem exception is raised.

  • (file-or-directory-permissions path) returns a list containing 'read, 'write, and/or 'execute for the given file or directory path. If no such file or directory exists, the exn:i/o:filesystem exception is raised.

  • (file-size path) returns the (logical) size of the specified file. (Under Mac OS Classic, this is the sum of the data fork and resource fork sizes.) If no such file exists, the exn:i/o:filesystem exception is raised.

  • (copy-file src-path dest-path) creates the file dest-path as a copy of src-path. If the file is successfully copied, void is returned, otherwise the exn:i/o:filesystem exception is raised. If dest-path already exists, the copy will fail. File permissions are preserved in the copy. Under Mac OS Classic, the resource fork is also preserved in the copy. If src-path refers to a link, the target of the link is copied, rather than the link itself.

  • (make-file-or-directory-link to-path path) creates a link path to to-path under Unix and Mac OS X. The creation will fail if path already exists. The to-path need not refer to an existing file or directory. If the link is created successfully, void is returned, otherwise the exn:i/o:filesystem exception is raised. Under Windows and Mac OS Classic, the exn:misc:unsupported exception is raised always.

11.3.3  Directories

The directory management utilities are:

  • (current-directory) returns the current directory and (current-directory path) sets the current directory to path. This procedure is actually a parameter, as described in section

  • (current-drive) returns the current drive name under Windows. For other platforms, the exn:misc:unsupported exception is raised. The current drive is always the drive of the current directory.

  • (directory-exists? path) returns #t if path refers to a directory, #f otherwise. Unlike other procedures that take a path argument, this procedure never raises the exn:i/o:filesystem exception.

  • (make-directory path) creates a new directory with the pathname path. If the directory is created successfully, void is returned, otherwise the exn:i/o:filesystem exception is raised.

  • (delete-directory path) deletes an existing directory with the pathname path. If the directory is created successfully, void is returned, otherwise the exn:i/o:filesystem exception is raised.

  • (rename-file-or-directory old-path new-path exists-ok?), as described in the previous section, renames directories.

  • (file-or-directory-modify-seconds path), as described in the previous section, gets directory dates.

  • (file-or-directory-permissions path), as described in the previous section, gets directory permissions.

  • (directory-list [path]) returns a list of all files and directories in the directory specified by path. If path is omitted, a list of files and directories in the current directory is returned.

  • (filesystem-root-list) returns a list of all current root directories.

11.4  Networking

MzScheme provides a minimal collection of TCP-based communication procedures. For information about TCP in general, see TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 1 by W. Richard Stevens.

  • (tcp-listen port-k [max-allow-wait-k reuse? hostname-string]) creates a ``listening'' server on the local machine at the specified port number (where port-k is an exact integer between 1 and 65535 inclusive). The max-allow-wait-k argument determines the maximum number of client connections that can be waiting for acceptance. (When max-allow-wait-k clients are waiting acceptance, no new client connections can be made.) The default value for max-allow-wait-k argument is 4.

    If the reuse? argument is true, then tcp-listen will create a listener even if the port is involved in a TIME_WAIT state. Such a use of reuse? defeats certain guarantees of the TCP protocol; see Stevens's book for details. The default for reuse? is #f.

    If hostname-string is #f (the default), then the listener accepts connections to all of the listening machine's IP addresses. Otherwise, the listener accepts connections only at the IP address associated with the given name. For example, providing "" as hostname-string typically creates a listener that accepts only connections to "" from the local machine.

    The return value of tcp-listen is a TCP listener value. This value can be used in future calls to tcp-accept, tcp-accept-ready?, and tcp-close. Each new TCP listener value is placed into the management of the current custodian (see section 9.2).

    If the server cannot be started by tcp-listen, the exn:i/o:tcp exception is raised.

  • (tcp-connect hostname-string [port-k]) attempts to connect as a client to a listening server. The hostname-string argument is the server host's internet address name25 (e.g., ""), and port-k (an exact integer between 1 and 65535) is the port where the server is listening.

    Two values (see section 2.2) are returned by tcp-connect: an input port and an output port. Data can be received from the server through the input port and sent to the server through the output port. If the server is a MzScheme process, it can obtain ports to communicate to the client with tcp-accept. These ports are placed into the management of the current custodian (see section 9.2).

    Both of the returned ports must be closed to terminate the TCP connection. When both ports are still open, closing the output port with close-output-port sends a TCP close to the server (which is seen as an end-of-file if the server reads the connection through a port). In contrast, tcp-abandon-port (see below) closes the output port, but does not send a TCP close until the input port is also closed.

    If a connection cannot be established by tcp-connect, the exn:i/o:tcp exception is raised.

  • (tcp-connect/enable-break hostname-string [port-k]) is like tcp-connect, but breaking is enabled (see section 6.6) while trying to connect. If breaking is disabled when tcp-connect/enable-break is called, then either ports are returned or exn:break exception is raised, but not both.

  • (tcp-accept tcp-listener) accepts a client connection for the server associated with tcp-listener. The tcp-listener argument is a TCP listener value returned by tcp-listen. If no client connection is waiting on the listening port, the call to tcp-accept will block. (See also tcp-accept-ready?, below.)

    Two values (see section 2.2) are returned by tcp-accept: an input port and an output port. Data can be received from the client through the input port and sent to the client through the output port. These ports are placed into the management of the current custodian (see section 9.2).

    Both of the returned ports must be closed to terminate the connection. When both ports are still open, closing the output port with close-output-port sends a TCP close to the client (which is seen as an end-of-file if the client reads the connection through a port). In contrast, tcp-abandon-port (see below) closes the output port, but does not send a TCP close until the input port is also closed.

    If a connection cannot be accepted by tcp-accept, or if the listener has been closed, the exn:i/o:tcp exception is raised.

  • (tcp-accept-ready? tcp-listener) tests whether an unaccepted client has connected to the server associated with tcp-listener. The tcp-listener argument is a TCP listener value returned by tcp-listen. If a client is waiting, the return value is #t, otherwise it is #f. A client is accepted with the tcp-accept procedure, which returns ports for communicating with the client and removes the client from the list of unaccepted clients.

    If the listener has been closed, the exn:i/o:tcp exception is raised.

  • (tcp-accept/enable-break tcp-listener) is like tcp-accept, but breaking is enabled (see section 6.6) while trying to accept a connection. If breaking is disabled when tcp-accept/enable-break is called, then either ports are returned or exn:break exception is raised, but not both.

  • (tcp-close tcp-listener) shuts down the server associated with tcp-listener. The tcp-listener argument is a TCP listener value returned by tcp-listen. All unaccepted clients receive an end-of-file from the server; connections to accepted clients are unaffected.

    If the listener has already been closed, the exn:i/o:tcp exception is raised.

    The listener's port number may not become immediately available for new listeners (with the default reuse? argument of tcp-listen). For further information, see Stevens's explanation of the TIME_WAIT TCP state.

  • (tcp-listener? v) returns #t if v is a TCP listener value created by tcp-listen, #f otherwise.

  • (tcp-abandon-port tcp-port) is like close-output-port or close-input-port (depending on whether tcp-port is an input or output port), but if tcp-port is an output port and its associated input port is not yet closed, then then other end of the TCP connection does not receive a TCP close message until the input port is also closed.26

  • (tcp-addresses tcp-port) returns two strings. The first string is the internet address for the local machine a viewed by the given TCP port's connection.27 The second string is the internet address for the other end of the connection.

    If the given port has been closed, the exn:i/o:tcp exception is raised.

16 Flushing is performed by the default port read handler (see section 11.2.4) rather than by read itself.

17 More precisely, the procedure is used by the default port read handler; see also section 11.2.4.

18 A temporary string of size k is allocated while reading the input, even if the size of the result is less than k characters.

19 Assuming that the current port display and write handlers are the default ones; see section 11.2.5 for more information.

20 Under Unix and Mac OS X, expansion does not convert multiple adjacent slashes to a single slash. However, extra slashes in a pathname are always ignored.

21 Mac OS X follows the Unix behavior in its treatment of links, and Mac OS Classic aliases are simply zero-length files.

22 For MrEd, the executable path is the name of a MrEd executable.

23 Under Windows, file-exists? reports #t for all variations of the special filenames (e.g., "LPT1", "x:/baddir/LPT1").

24 For FAT filesystems under Windows, directories do not have modification dates. Therefore, the creation date is returned for a directory (but the modification date is returned for a file).

25 The name "localhost" generally specifies the local machine.

26 The TCP protocol does not include a ``no longer reading'' state on connections, so tcp-abandon-port is equivalent to close-input-port on input TCP ports.

27 For most machines, the answer corresponds to the current machine's only internet address. But when a machine serves multiple addresses, the result is connection-specific.